Top Flite TOPA0130 User Manual
Page 26

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8. Cut a 1/16" slot through the line you just
If a band or scroll saw isn't available use a
razor saw or hacksaw blade. Glue the 1/16" die-
cut ply Wing Tip Reinforcements in place.
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9. Glue the Wing Tip Blocks to both W-15
ribs. Shape the Wing Tip with a razor plane and
a sanding block. Don't do the final shaping of
the aft portion of the tips until the ailerons are
built and taped in position.
Time to celebrate! Your wing is almost done and
it looks great, doesn't it? Invite your buddies
back to the shop for a progress update. Also,
your floor needs sweeping.
NOTE: If you are not building
operational flaps, skip the following
section and proceed to build the
NOTE: The following instructions show
the center flap being constructed. The two
outboard flaps are built using the same
procedure, only the length is different.
1. Place the Flap section of the plans on a
flat work surface and cover it with waxed paper.
2. From a sheet of 1/16" x 3" x 30" balsa, cut
two strips exactly 1-1/16" wide x 30" long.
3. Place one of the 1-1/16" balsa strips on
the Center Flap plan, aligned along the LE. Cut
the length to match the plan. Pin it in place.
4. Cut the Aft Flap Section from a 1/16" x 1"
x 18" ply strip to match the plans. Draw a line
lengthwise on one surface of the ply, 3/8" from
the TE. Butt the ply against the forward balsa
strip and if necessary, lightly sand the edges for
a good fit but don't glue it in place yet.
5. Using a T-bar and sharp sandpaper, taper
the ply strip from the centerline to the TE. The
finished edge should be approximately 1/32"
6. Glue the ply Aft Section to the Forward
balsa strip. The beveled edge of the ply must
be towards the TE, facing up. Use the tic
marks on the plans to mark the Rib and Spar
locations. The Ribs do not go all the way to the
TE of the ply.
7. Cut the Center Flap LE from a 3/16" x
1/4" x 24" balsa stick to match the plans. Glue
the LE to the top of the sheeting.
8. Locate the 3/32" x 1/4" x 1-1/2" flap ribs.
Glue the Ribs to the sheeting at the locations
you marked earlier. Note: The ribs may be
angle cut before gluing, or sanded to shape
after assembly.
9. Cut and glue pieces to form the Flap
Center Spar from 1/8" x 3/16" x 24" balsa to fit
between each Rib.
10. Use a T-bar with 220 grit to sand the Ribs
and Spar to an even taper from the LE to the TE.
Be careful not to sand off too much material.