Re6 3.5, 854 sprayer control, Regulation.parameters – TeeJet 854 Sprayer Control User Manual

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854 Sprayer Control


The regulation algorithm is configured with the next

three parameters:
1. Minimum Regulating Valve Voltage: the

minimum voltage that can drive the regulating


2. Regulation Stop Band: the maximum allowed

application error rate.

3. Rotation Time of Regulating Valve: the total

time required to close the regulating valve at

maximum speed.

These three OEM parameters depend on the

regulating valve used.

Minimum Regulating Valve Voltage

The console uses variable voltages to drive the

regulating valve. Select the minimum voltage that

the regulating valve needs to make it turn at its

slowest rotation speed (i.e., if the motor of the

regulating valve turns with a minimum of 3.5v, the

number should be used in this location).
The affect of this parameter on the regulation

behavior is illustrated in Figure 2-4. This value must

match the actual operation of the regulating valve

used. Check with the valve manufacturer for the


• Use the Plus or MINUS keys to change

the voltage.

• Press and hold the AUTO/MAN key for 3

seconds to set the value to “0.0”.

• Press the AUTO/MAN key once to set to the

default value of 3.5v.

• Press the PROGRAM key to accept the

value and advance to the next program step.

NOTE: Standard TeeJet Technologies regulating

valve minimum voltage is 3.5v.

If 12v is selected as a minimum voltage, no variable

voltage regulation occurs. Instead, a pulse regulation

occurs. This is necessary when using solenoid

operated regulating valves (i.e., a Ramsay valve).
Figure 3-3: Minimum Regulating Valve Voltage



Figure 3-4: Voltage Comparison


The Regulation Stop Band is the maximum error

percentage allowed on the application rate before

the regulating valve reacts (i.e., if a stop band of

1.5% is selected, there is no action on the regulating

valve if the actual application rate is within 1.5% of

the target rate). This minimum percentage prevents

the regulating valve from oscillating in a narrow band

around the target point.

• Use the PLUS or MINUS keys to change

the regulation stop band (value is expressed