PRG Mbox Studio Manual 3.8 User Manual
Page 90

For KiNET_PORTOUT only, you should enter the three-digit Dest number followed by a port designator (Dest.Port) of
zero (e.g., 303.0). This entry causes Mbox to automatically route data for all Dests using that three-digit number to the
appropriate port of the KiNET device with the designated IP address. Thereby eliminating the need to have multiple
Dest entries in the table for a single IP address.
After entering the Dest and Protocol, enter the IP Address. The IP address is where all data for fixtures using that Dest
will be sent. Several different values can be entered in this field:
Static IP Address - Enter a static IP Address (e.g., to send all data for that Dest to one single IP
Or you can send that Dest to up to four total static IP addresses by separating the IP addresses with a "+" when
entering them.
Subnet Broadcast IP Address - Enter a subnet broadcast IP Address (e.g., that matches the
subnet broadcast IP of one Ethernet port on the computer.
Physical Ethernet Port Name - Enter the exact name of the Ethernet port on the Mbox computer that you want the
data to be sent from. The data will automatically be sent to the IP address matching the subnet broadcast IP
address for that port. (e.g. if the port has an IP of and a subnet mask of then the data will be
sent to
For KiNET you should always use a static IP address!
When editing the Destinations tab, you typically will not enter anything in the Port column as it is only used for KiNET
v2 systems. And, as noted on the previous page, you will normally enter the Dest for KiNET v2 devices as ###.0. The
Port column can be used to crossroute data for KiNET fixtures patched to one port of a PORTOUT power supply to
another port on the same supply.
If you use a KiNET Dest with a Port value other than 0, you must have a non-zero value in the port field
to ensure that the data is transmitted. The number can be the same number or a different number (for crossrouting).
The image below shows port 1 on destination device 303 (a power supply with the IP Address being
rerouted to port 2 on the same device:
After entering data on the Destinations tab, you should once again save your file by clicking the Save button before
moving to the next step.
Next, click the Mbox tab at the top of the window to return to the Window view and play some content. Initially, there
is nothing different, but if you press [F5] on the keyboard, your view will change – press once to see the context view,
a second time to see the patched fixture view, a third time to return to the normal view. Pressing [F5] affects both the
preview output and the stage outputs, so if you are using one Mbox server for both pixel-mapping and video output,
you should not leave the view set to context view or patched fixture view when outputting video for your show.
Initially, the patched fixture view may not look any different from the context view. Both views will appear to be blocky
versions of the content that you are playing.