Using timecode sync playmodes – PRG Mbox Studio Manual 3.8 User Manual
Page 75

To use a Timecode DMX Control, set each of the four channels to the desired values (8-bit numerical). For example, to
use the patched channels from the example above, set Layer 1 to start at 02:15:25:02 and set the following values:
Using the TC DMX Control with a movie file will override the TC Default and MediaTimeCodes.plists methods of
setting timecode start time for a file.
Setting a specific item in the TC DMX Control list to a blank or invalid
DMX control for that layer.
Setting any of the four control channels to an invalid entry (e.g. setting Hours to 255) will disable the TC DMX
Control and fall back to the MediaTimeCodes.plist or default TC value (in that order).
Using Timecode Sync Playmodes
Timecode Sync does not control any properties of a layer except the playback position and rate. All other functions
must be programmed separately. If a movie is set to one of the three Timecode Sync playmodes, it will sit, paused on
the in-frame until the appropriate time is reached. Thereafter, the movie will play based on the selected Timecode
Sync playmode's characteristics until it reaches the out-frame, upon which it stops on that frame. It will not loop or
fade out.
There are three Timecode Sync playmodes, each of which has its own benefits:
130 - 134 TC Sync -> strict lock to timecode; movie waits for appropriate timecode to initiate playback, and if
timecode stops or goes away, the movie playback stops.
135 - TC Sync then Freewheel -> movie waits for appropriate timecode to initiate playback, but then ignores
timecode for the remainder of that movie’s playback
136 - TC Jam Sync -> movie waits for appropriate timecode to initiate playback, if timecode stops or goes away,
the movie freewheels. However, if timecode returns, then the movie will resync to the incoming timecode.
If the in-point of the movie is modified, playback will start from that point when the correct time is reached. The
Timecode Offset channel on each layer allows modification of a file's start time by approximately 4 seconds without
having to rename the file and rescan the content. The offset value options are:
0 > 126 - Positive offset (movie plays later) -> 1 point = 1 frame
127 - Default, no offset
128 > 255 - Negative offset (movie plays sooner) -> 1 point = 1 frame
For a complete channel map, refer to