Vignette, Model (object) creation guidelines – PRG Mbox Studio Manual 3.8 User Manual
Page 177

The Vignette tab provides the controls to create custom rectilinear edge masking that can be used on any object.
Refer to
on page 161 for more information on the adjustment of vignette settings.
Vignettes created here can use any arbitrary size. The blend amount is reconfigured automatically when the size is
changed. Therefore on screen, there is little or no visual difference between a size of 100 x 100 with an amount of 5.0
and a size of 1 x 1 with a size of 0.05.
Vignettes are created as .vign files inside the /Mbox/Media folder's folder.file 8-bit structure.
Model (Object) Creation Guidelines
Recommendations for Model (object) creation for use with the Mbox projection mapping features.
.noscale compile switch
When using obj files for projection mapping with Mbox, it is absolutely necessary that you apply the .noscale filename
"switch." The .noscale switch will force the object to appear at the designed scale rather than being rescaled
(normalized) by Mbox when it is precompiled. To apply the .noscale switch, add ".noscale" to the object's file name,
before the file extension.
001.MyObject.obj becomes 001.MyObject.noscale.obj
obj & topo, but not kmz
Obj and topo files are recommended for use with projection mapping functionality. While Mbox can use kmz files for
basic 3D objects, they are not recommended for use with projection mapping.
Mbox can use svg files for projection mapping, but topo files are far more useful and flexible. [Note: to work with the
thumbnail generator for Mbox, the svg file extension must be changed to "svge".]
axes - Mbox XYZ different to modeling apps' XYZ!!
Mbox labels its 3D axes differently that most 3D modeling applications. Mbox uses a front view version of the axes
and most modeling applications use a top view version.
In Mbox:
X axis is left<->right, left is negative and right is positive
Y axis is down<->up, down is negative and up is positive