AERCO Esteem O&M Manual User Manual

Page 74

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Clean Heat Exchanger

Clean Heat Exchanger

1. Shut down the boiler:

• Turn Off Gas to Appliance. See instruc-

tions on page 48

• Do not drain the boiler unless the boiler

will be subject to freezing conditions.

• Do not drain the boiler if freeze protec-

tion fluid is used in the system.

2. Allow the boiler to cool down to room

temperature before servicing.

3. Disconnect the gas piping and rectifier

plug to the gas valve.

4. Disconnect the wiring harness connectors

from the blower and remove the blower
retaining screws or nuts.

5. Remove the blower from the unit.
6. Remove the mounting nuts securing

the burner mounting plate to the heat
exchanger and set aside.

7. Carefully remove the burner mounting

plate assembly from the heat exchanger.
Ensure combustion chamber insulation
is not damaged during removal of burner
mounting plate assembly. See WARNING
on page 67.

8. Carefully remove the combustion cham-

ber insulation from the heat exchanger
and set aside. See WARNING on page 67.

9. Use a vacuum cleaner, compressed air or

water to remove any accumulation from
the heat exchanger flue ways. Do not use
any solvent.

10. Re-install the combustion chamber insula-

tion onto the heat exchanger.

11. Re-assemble the burner mounting plate

assembly onto the heat exchanger.
Ensure the burner plate gasket and com-
bustion chamber insulation is in place and
not damaged, replace gasket and insula-

tion if necessary. See WARNING on page

12. Re-assemble the blower onto the burner

mounting plate and reconnect the wiring
harness connectors.

13. Reconnect the gas piping and rectifier to

gas valve. Check for leaks, repair if nec-

14. Close isolation valves on the boiler water

piping to isolate the boiler from the heat-
ing system.

15. Attach a hose to the boiler drain valve

and flush the boiler thoroughly with fresh
water by using the purge valves to allow
water to enter through the make-up water
line to the boiler.

16. Once the boiler has been completely

flushed, return the boiler and system pip-
ing back to operation.

17. Perform the required startup and check-

out procedures See page 42 and following.

Start-up and Checkout Procedures

Start the unit and perform the start-up proce-
dure as listed in this manual.

Verify the cold water fill pressure is correct and
the operating pressure of the boiler is within
normal operating range.

Complete the “Check-Out Procedures” on
page 60

Review With Owner

• Ensure the owner understands the impor-

tance to perform the maintenance sched-
ule specifi ed in this manual.

• Remind the owner of the importance to

call a licensed contractor should the unit or
system exhibit any unusual behavior.
