Dynon Avionics SkyView Pilots Users Guide User Manual
Page 206

SkyView Pilot’s User Guide - Revision S
When dual watch is enabled, the SkyView COM Radio monitors the standby frequency for
transmissions while simultaneously monitoring the active frequency, allowing you to listen to
both (but not simultaneously). This allows you to listen to ATIS on standby, for example, while
keeping tower tuned to the active frequency.
The active frequency always receives priority. This is true even if dual watch is listening to a
continuous broadcast on the standby frequency. For example, if ATIS is on standby and tower is
on active, and dual watch is enabled, the COM will receive ATIS continuously on standby when
there is no tower activity. But, when a tower transmission is received on the active frequency, it
immediately takes priority and is heard exclusively.
To help you determine whether the radio is receiving on the active or standby frequency, both
the control panel and SkyView’s top bar visually indicate which of the standby or active
frequency is being received on at any moment:
Manual Frequency Tuning
To manually tune a frequency via the control panel:
Turn the large, outer ring of the dual concentric knob to change the standby frequency
in 1 MHz increments.