Dynon Avionics SkyView Pilots Users Guide User Manual

Page 118

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SV-MAP-270 Navigation Mapping Software


SkyView Pilot’s User Guide - Revision S

(2) Radar targets: Any targets that the FAA’s radar system is aware of via

approach, center, and other radar facilities.

The end result: your aircraft sees the vast majority of the aircraft that can possibly be a factor.
Since SkyView participates in the ADS-B system via the SV-XPNDR-26X’s or GTX-330ES’s ADS-B
out capability, it receives all of the traffic that the FAA knows is around your aircraft. In
contrast, “receive only” ADS-B traffic solutions aren’t able to see the all traffic (such as radar-
only targets) because they are not able to request traffic data from the FAA ADS-B ground
stations. To reduce clutter from targets that are far away, targets that are farther than
approximately 15 nm away from your position or more than 5,000 ft above or below your
altitude are not shown.

Tail numbers will be shown below traffic targets when available. These can only be
shown if your aircraft is equipped with Dynon's ADS-B receiver, and will only be
shown for target aircraft that are ADS-B OUT equipped. Aircraft with Mode-C
transponders or Mode-S transponders without extended squitter support will not
have tail numbers shown.

Although weather and TFR information are available any time the SV-ADSB-470 is in
an ADS-B ground station coverage area, ADS-B TIS-B traffic is only available if an
ADS-B Out capable transponder is installed and is providing ADS-B out position
reports into the ADS-B system. Currently, these are limited to the Dynon SV-XPNDR-
26X and the Garmin GTX-330ES.

Useful information about the ADS-B traffic and weather systems can be found in
the FAA AIM:

For updated coverage maps see the FAA’s website:

Traffic Target Information

Figure 100 - Traffic Target