Dynon Avionics SkyView Pilots Users Guide User Manual

Page 191

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Autopilot Operation

SkyView Pilot’s User Guide - Revision S


6. Select HDG or TRK from the Roll Menu to proceed in the desired direction.

Change Altitude with Vertical Speed

1. Adjust the altitude bug to the new desired altitude.
2. If you weren’t already climbing or descending, initiate the climb or descent with the

NOSE UP / DN buttons (either in the PITCH menu or on the Autopilot Control Panel) or
adjust the vertical speed bug.

3. This automatically engages VS->ALT mode.

Change Altitude with Indicated Airspeed

1. Adjust the altitude bug to the new desired altitude.
2. Press the IAS button on the Pitch Menu or the Autopilot Control Panel.
3. If you weren’t already climbing or descending, initiate a climb or descent with the NOSE

UP / DN buttons (either in the PITCH menu or on the Autopilot Control Panel) to adjust
the autopilot’s target airspeed. Or adjust the airspeed bug or adjust the aircraft’s power.

Track a Navigation Source

1. This procedure is identical whether you are tracking an enroute navigation source (GPS

or VOR) or a non-precision approach (GPS, VOR or LOC).

2. Select a navigation source on the HSI (MAIN MENU > AUTOPILOT > HSI SRC).
3. The navigation source must be providing valid course and deviation information.
4. Press the NAV button in the Roll Menu.
5. If the CDI is already near-centered NAV mode will immediately become active.

Otherwise NAV mode will arm.

6. If NAV mode is armed, adjust the current mode’s target (heading, track or roll) to

establish the desired intercept with the navigation source.

7. NAV mode will become active once the navigation source CDI can be captured by the


Precision Approach

1. Select a navigation source on the on the HSI (MAIN MENU -> AUTOPILOT > HSI SRC).

a. The external navigation source must be providing valid course and deviation


2. When cleared for the approach, and in alt hold mode:

a. Press the NAV button in the Roll Menu.
b. Press the VNAV button in the Pitch Menu.

3. Adjust the current modes target (heading, track or roll) to establish the desired

intercept with the navigation source or follow ATC vectors.

4. NAV mode and VNAV will sequence independently once their CDI / GS indications can

be captured by the autopilot.

a. Note: If a precision GPS approach is being flown with an approach approved GPS

navigator and the autopilot is already in NAV mode (i.e. not flying vectors to
final) arming of NAV mode is not necessary. Only VNAV will only need to be
armed when cleared for the approach.