Dynon Avionics SkyView Pilots Users Guide User Manual

Page 161

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SV-MAP-270 Navigation Mapping Software

SkyView Pilot’s User Guide - Revision S


Figure 148 - Data Current

Figure 149 - Data Stale

Figure 150 - Data Expired

Figure 151 – ADS=B

Receiver Not Found

Information contained within this data block includes:


o RECEIVING: The SV-ADSB-470 is communicating with SkyView, and FIS-B weather

data is being received from an ADS-B ground station.

o NO SIGNAL: The SV-ADSB-470 is communicating with SkyView, but there is no

ADS-B ground station in range.

o NOT FOUND: The SV-ADSB-470 is not communicating with SkyView.

NEXRAD RGNL and NEXRAD CONUS: The age of the regional NEXRAD information being
shown on the map page:

o Current (green) – Data is between 0 and 60 minutes old.
o Stale (yellow) – Data is between 60 and 75 minutes old.
o Expired (red) – Data is at least 75 minutes old.

METAR/TAF/ Winds Information

Textual METARs, TAFs and Winds Aloft can be viewed for individual airports on their INFO
pages. Additionally, a summary of the nearest METAR weather reports for airports that report
METAR information can be found in the NRST list.

Nearest Weather

The MAIN MENU > MAP > NRST window will contain a WX (weather) tab whenever weather
information is available to SkyView: