Overview, 8 manual resets and lockout conditions, 9 fixed blanking – Banner EZ-SCREEN Low-Profile Safety Light Curtain Systems User Manual

Page 7: 10 inverted display, 11 cascadeable models

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P/N 1334



Banner Engineering Corp.

Minneapolis, U.S.A. • Tel: 763.544.3164


P/N 140044 rev.



Banner Engineering Corp.

Minneapolis, U.S.A. • Tel: 763.544.3164

Instruction Manual


1.4.8 Manual Resets and Lockout Conditions

Reset Routine

The EZ-SCREEN LP requires a manual reset to clear a Power-

Up Lockout or Latch condition, and after correcting the cause

of a Lockout condition. This function is designed to provide a

“monitored manual reset” (i.e., open-closed-open action), such

that a shorted or tied-down button cannot cause a reset. When

a key-operated switch is used, this is typically called a key reset.

(Reset switch is sold separately; see Section 2.4 for options.)
To perform a manual reset, close the normally open switch for

at least 1/4 second, but no longer than 2 seconds, and then

re-open the switch. See Sections 3.1.3 and 4.3 for further

A Lockout condition will cause the EZ-SCREEN LP OSSD

outputs to turn OFF. A Lockout condition is indicated by a

flashing Red emitter or receiver Status indicator and an error

number displayed on the Diagnostic Display. Lockout conditions

require a manual reset routine to return the system to RUN

mode after the failure has been corrected. A description of

possible lockouts, their causes, and troubleshooting hints are

listed in Section 5.

Trip Output/Auto Reset

While the use of a reset switch is recommended, it is not

required for receivers configured for Trip Output (automatic

reset). Cycling the supply power (OFF for > 2 seconds, then ON)

will also clear lockouts if their cause has been corrected. If a

reset switch is not used, leave pin 8 (violet wire) not connected

(open) and secure it against shorting to a source of power or


1.4.9 Fixed Blanking

The fixed blanking feature allows for a stationary object(s)

positioned in the defined area, such as tooling, to be ignored. A

flashing Green Zone indicator denotes the location of a blanked

area. If the object is either moved or removed, the System goes

into Lockout mode, ensuring that an unexpected hole in the

sensing field is not created.
Fixed blanking is easily configured, simply by positioning the

object(s), flipping two DIP switches and resetting the System, as

described in Section 3.4.3.
For cascade models (either when used alone, or as the last

receiver in a cascade), fixed blanking may be configured

remotely; see Section 7.10 for details. This feature is useful

when the light screen is in a difficult-to-access location, or when

the fixed blanked area changes frequently.

1.4.10 Inverted Display

A DIP switch can be used to invert the seven-segment display.

This makes the display “right reading” when an emitter and

receiver are mounted with the QD connector ends up (upside

down). See Section 4.4 for more information.

1.4.11 Cascadeable Models

Emitter and receiver models SLPC.. (see Section 7) are capable

of interconnecting up to four emitter/receiver pairs – regardless

of the resolution, the total number of beams, or the size of the

defined area. EZ-SCREEN SLPC.. (cascadeable) models can

also be used individually as stand-alone systems. They also can

be cascaded with EZ-SCREEN SLSC.. models.
Double-ended RD-style 24 AWG cordsets (listed in Section

2.3) are required for connecting sensors in a cascade; see

Section 7.4 for maximum cable lengths. (RD-to-QD cordsets are

available to connect between SLPC.. and SLSC.. models.)
Maximum system response time for a cascade is dependent on

the number of beams in each light screen, and the light screen’s

position in the cascade. It can be calculated in two ways:
• Individually for each light screen in the cascade (safety

distance is calculated for each light screen in the cascade), or

• Based on the worst-case maximum for the entire cascade

(all light screens in the cascade have the same separation


See Section 7.5 for more information.

Figure 1-4. Fixed-angle brackets allow easy cascading while

maintaining 25 mm resolution