Overview, Cascadeable ez-screen, Cascadeable ez-screen lp – Banner EZ-SCREEN Low-Profile Safety Light Curtain Systems User Manual
Page 57: 1 overview of cascading, 1 system components and specifications, 2 receiver display

P/N 133487
Banner Engineering Corp.
Minneapolis, U.S.A.
www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164
P/N 140044 rev.
Banner Engineering Corp.
Minneapolis, U.S.A.
www.bannerengineering.com • Tel: 763.544.3164
Instruction Manual
Cascadeable EZ-SCREEN
7. Cascadeable EZ-SCREEN LP
7.1 Overview of Cascading
EZ-SCREEN LP emitters and receivers are also available in
cascadeable models. These models can be used as stand-alone
light screens, or can be cascaded up to four pairs in one system;
see Figure 7-1. The cascaded sensor pairs can be any length,
any number of beams, or have different resolutions (i.e., 14 mm
and 25 mm), as long as each emitter matches its own receiver.
NOTE: EZ-SCREEN SLP.. (stand-alone) or 8-pin SLSC..
models can be used as the end sensor pair. EZ-SCREEN
Grid/Point and PICO-GUARD components can not be
interfaced with the cascade input.
The control reliability, installation and alignment, electrical
interface to the guarded machine, initial checkout, periodic
checkout, troubleshooting and maintenance features of
cascadeable models are functionally identical to those of the
standard models.
Electrical connections are made via removable disconnect (RD)
cordsets; see Section 2.3. All receivers in a cascade activate the
same set of OSSD outputs: the OSSDs of the master receiver.
NOTE: In a cascaded system, all receivers are connected
together, and all emitters are connected together.
7.1.1 System Components and Specifications
A multiple-light screen cascaded EZ-SCREEN LP system
includes compatible emitter/receiver pairs (up to four), a
terminator plug (shipped installed on each cascade receiver)
for the last receiver in the cascade, two RD cables or pigtail
cables to interface with the machine and provide power to the
system, and pairs of double-ended (sensor interface) cables to
interconnect the emitters and the receivers in the cascade. (A
“dummy” plug is installed at the cascade end of each emitter.
It is not required for operation, but maintains the emitter’s
IP65 rating.) Additional cordsets may be used to enable QD
connections; see Section 2.3.
The terminator plug (model LPA-TP-1) must be used on the
receiver in a stand-alone system, and on the last receiver in a
multiple-pair cascade, unless an EZA-RBK-1 key switch box or
an RDLP6G-4..D cordset interfaced with an E-stop or other hard
contacts is in place (see Sections 7.8 ― 7.10).
NOTE: The machine interface cable must connect to the sensor
end adjacent to the indicators.
Available single-ended, double-ended, and splitter cordsets are
listed in Section 2.3. Cordset lengths are limited – for both the
machine interface/power cables and the sensor interconnect
cables; see Section 7.4 for more information.
7.1.2 Receiver Display
In Run mode, the 7-segment display will show the following. See
Section 5.1.1 if any indication is flashing.
Clear condition
Latch output operation
Trip output operation
Blocked condition
Number of blocked beams (sequential)
CSSI Input OFF or open
(e.g., “upstream” receiver
is blocked or in lockout)
Solid (not flashing)
Figure 7-1. Multiple cascaded light screens used to guard an
irregular opening in a machine