Metrohm 784 KFP Titrino User Manual

Page 91

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3.2 Remote control commands

784 KFP Titrino



Conditioning Not OK: EP not reached (in KFT with conditioning).


Request: In the inquiry of an identification or the sample size after
start of titration.


SiloEmpty: Silo empty, i.e. the last line has been removed from
the silo memory.


MeasList: Entry in the measuring point list.


EPList: Entry into EP list


Results have been recalculated.

Messages from node .C, Comport:

COM1: A report is outputted on COM1. During this time, COM2
will be blocked. COM2 is generally blocked, if COM1 is busy.


COM1 is ready again. (Comes also when you an error.)

.C.B2, .R2 Identical for COM2.
Messages for changings in the I/O lines. If the changings are made simulta-
neously, there is 1 message. Pulses receive 2 messages: one message each
for line active and inactive.

Input: Change of an input line.


Output: Change of an output line (except 7, pin 2, for recorder

If a change occurs that requires a message, the Titrino sends space
(ASCII 32) and ! as an introducer. This is followed by the name of the device
(see Special ASCII characters in the device name are ignored. If no
device name has been entered, only ! is sent. Finally the Titrino sends the in-
formation which node has triggered the message.
Example: !John".T.Si": The message was triggered from instrument "John",
node .T.Si Setup.Graphics.Grid





Full, Auto





Change in the appearance and the format of the curve for the output. The set-
tings are valid for both Titrino COM ports.

On/off switching of grid over curve.


On/off switching of frame surrounding the curve. If grid and frame
are switched off, the curve is printed faster as the print head does
not have to move to the end of the paper.


Type of scaling of the measured value axis: Full means that the
scale runs from the smallest up to the greatest measured point.
With auto, the smallest measured value is taken and the next
smaller tick defines the beginning of the scale; the next greater
tick to the greatest measured value is the end of the scale.


Relative specification of the width of the output medium (e.g. pa-
per width) for the length of the measured value axis. 1 means the
measured value axis is plotted over the entire width of the paper
(largest possible width). In extreme cases, the writing of the right
tick may lie outside.