Metrohm 784 KFP Titrino User Manual

Page 19

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2.6 Parameters, key

784 KFP Titrino


max.rate max. ml/min

min.volume incr. min.



stop crit: drift
stop drift 20



t(delay) 10 s

stop time OFF s

Maximum dosing rate (0.01...150 mL/min, max.)

sets "max.".

This parameter determines primarily the addition rate

outside the control range, see page 21.

The maximum rate depends on the Exchange Unit:

Exchange Unit

max. rate

5 mL

15 mL/min

10 mL

30 mL/min

20 mL

60 mL/min

50 mL

150 mL/min

Minimum volume increment (0.1...9.9

µL, min.)

sets "min.".

This parameter determines the addition rate at the start

and the end of the titration, see also page 21.

This parameter influences the titration speed and

therefore its accuracy very strongly: A smaller

"min.volume incr." results in a slower titration.

Type of stop criteria (drift, time)

Titration stops, if EP and stop drift are reached



Titration stops if there is no dosing during t(delay)

(0...999 s, INF)

sets "INF".

Switch off when EP is reached and the set time after

the last dosing has elapsed.

If t(delay) is "INF"

Stop after a time (0...999999 s, OFF)

sets "OFF".

Stop after the set time after start of titration. "OFF"

means no stop, i.e. titration for an "infinitely" long time.

>titration parameters

titr.direction: –

pause 1 0 s


Titration parameters

Direction is set automatically (+, –, auto)

auto: The direction is set automatically by the Titrino.


Direction of higher voltage (more "positive"),

larger currents.

– :

Direction of lower voltage, smaller currents.

Pause 1 (0...999999 s)

Waiting time before start volume, e.g. for equilibration

of the electrode after start. The waiting time can be

aborted with .