13 current sample data, key

Page 40

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2.13 Current sample data, key

784 KFP Titrino


2.13 Current sample data, key

The key can be used to enter the

current sample data. The content of this key changes

when the silo memory is switched on, see page 39.

Instead of entering the current sample data with

, you can request these data

automatically after start of determinations.

Configuration: , ">preselections".

Current sample data can be entered live. For working

with the silo memory see page 38.

#1...3 or C21...C23, sample identifications:

The sample identifications can also be used as sample

specific calculation variables C21...C23.

smpl size:

Sample size.

The sample size can be monitored, see e.g. page 19.

The limits are then displayed in this window.

smpl unit:

Unit of the sample size.

The display texts of the Titrino are shown on the left

side. The values are the default values.

smpl data


#1 or C21


#2 or C22


#3 or C23

smpl size 1.0 g

smpl unit: g

Sample data

Sample identification 1...3 or sample specific operand

C21...C23 (up to 8 characters).

Sample identifications or sample specific operands

can be entered using the keypad, via a balance with a

special input device or via barcode reader.

Sample size (6-digit number: ±X.XXXXX)

Entry using keypad, via a balance or via barcode


Unit of sample size (g, mg, mL,

µL, pc, no unit or up to

5 characters)

Select unit with <





smpl data


#1 or C21


#2 or C22


#3 or C23

smpl size 1.0 g
smpl unit: g