Metrohm tiamo 2.1 Manual User Manual
Page 1526
tiamo 2.1
Report template ............... 213
News in tiamo 2.1 ...................... 9
Normal track .................. 404, 422
Not equal to ............................. 58
Number of buffers .................. 998
Number of single determinations
............................................... 414
Number of standards ............ 1017
NumberToText ......................... 67
NumberToTime ........................ 68
Online help ................................ 8
Operating elements
Determination series ......... 134
Displaying ........................ 129
Show ....................... 103, 155
Single determination ........ 118
Operation ................................... 2
Addition ............................. 46
AND ................................... 50
Division .............................. 48
Equal to ............................. 52
Greater than ....................... 54
Greater than or equal to ..... 55
Less than ............................ 56
Less than or equal to .......... 57
Multiplication ..................... 47
Not equal to ....................... 58
OR ..................................... 51
Overview ............................ 44
Potentiation ....................... 49
Subtraction ......................... 47
Configuration ................. 1209
Dialog language ............. 1210
Emergency stop .............. 1210
Save ............................... 1210
OR ........................................... 51
Output line
CTRL command .............. 1127
Templates ...................... 1204
Output signal ....................... 1128
Overlay curves ........................ 324
Print ................................. 325
Show ............................... 324
x axis ................................ 240
Changing ........................... 16
Entry .................................. 15
General .............................. 14
Security settings ............. 1181
Start password ......... 16, 1178
Password protection ....... 14, 1181
595, 621, 648, 669, 690, 712,
734, 754, 774, 790, 811, 836
Pause key ............................... 135
PDF output ........................... 1211
Periodic system ......................... 78
pH Calibration ...................... 1202
pK/HNP evaluation
pK value
Polarization current
Polarization voltage
....................... 513, 708, 751, 900
Port ...................................... 1079
Potentiation ............................. 49
Potentiometric evaluation
PREP ..................................... 1081
Command variables ........ 1081
Overview ........................ 1081
Properties ....................... 1082
Exchange unit parameters
............................. 1245, 1249
Print ....................................... 319
Audit Trail ...................... 1226
Common variables .......... 1283
Determination overview
..................... 319, 1471, 1500
Determination report ...... 1470
Device list ....................... 1232
List of racks .................... 1298
List of sensors ................. 1260
List of solutions .............. 1237
List of the sample solutions (TC
conductivity) ................... 1292
Report .............................. 320
Priority rules ............................. 45
Program administration
Backup directories .......... 1191
Clients ............................ 1193
General .......................... 1190
Licenses .......................... 1193
Program part ............................ 11
Configuration ........... 13, 1163
Database .......................... 177
Methods .................... 13, 371
Overview ............................ 11
Workplace .................... 12, 82
Program versions ........................ 7
PSE ........................................... 78
Pulse length ......................... 1204
Pump ................................... 1098
PUMP ................................... 1097
Command variables ........ 1097
Overview ........................ 1097
Properties ....................... 1098
Quick access ............... 1164, 1166
Quick filter
Audit Trail ...................... 1219
Determination overview . . . 286
RACK ................................... 1103
Command variables ........ 1103
Overview ........................ 1103
Properties ....................... 1104
Rack code ............................ 1303
New rack ........................ 1297
Rack properties ............... 1298
Rack table ...................... 1296
Rack data
Adding new rack ............ 1297
Attached rack
Configuration ................. 1296
Deleting rack .................. 1298
Editing properties ........... 1298
Edit special beaker ......... 1302
Export ............................ 1194
General .......................... 1296
Import ............................ 1196
Lift positions ................... 1300
Lift positions (774) .......... 1304
Printing list of racks ........ 1298
Properties for 774 .......... 1303
Rack parameters ............. 1299
Rack table ...................... 1296
Special beaker ................ 1301
Special beaker (774) ....... 1304
Standard racks ................ 1296
Subwindow .................... 1296
Rack offset
Rack parameters ............. 1299
Rack test .............................. 1104