4 properties - msb – Metrohm tiamo 2.1 Manual User Manual

Page 1342

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7.5 856 Conductivity Module




tiamo 2.1

R (25 °C)

Nominal resistance of connected NTC sensor.

Only visible with temperature sensors of the NTC type.

1000 ... 99999 Ohm

Default value

30000 Ohm

B value

Material constant of the NTC resistance referred to measuring the resistance
at 25 °C and 50 °C.

Only visible for temperature sensors of the NTC type.

1000 ... 9999

Default value



Properties - MSB #

Tab: Configuration

Devices [Edit] Properties... Properties - 'Device type' -

'Device name'


On the tabs MSB # the properties of the connector and the devices con-
nected to are displayed.

Request for dosing device preparation
Selection when the request for carrying out the command PREP (see Chap-
ter, page 1081)
(prepare) is to be shown for the dosing device
connected to the MSB.

At program start

on | off (Default value: on)

If this option is switched on then at each program start the request to pre-
pare the dosing device will appear.

On attaching an exchange/dosing unit

on | off (Default value: on)

If this option is switched on then at each attaching of an exchange or dosing
unit the request to prepare the dosing device will appear.

Time interval

on | off (Default value: off)

If this option is switched on then the request to prepare the dosing device
will appear after the time interval defined here.