Rockwell Automation 2755 Decoded Hand-Held Scanner User Manual

Page 60

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Communication Setup (Cable Configuration)


Publication 2755-6.2

Setting RS-232 Synapse Cable Options (Continued)


Set the parity of each ASCII coded character that is transmitted. Make
sure the parity matches the requirements of the host. The selections are:



Mark (parity bit always set to 1)

Space (parity bit always set to 0)

None (default)

Check Parity

When enabled, the scanner checks the parity bit.

Number of Stop Bits

The stop bit marks the end of each character transmitted. Set the number
of stop bits to match the host device. The selections are:

1 Stop Bit (default)

2 Stop Bits

Data Bits

Determines the number of data bits for each ASCII character. The
selections are:

7 data bits

8 data bits (default)