4 saving tasks from the rack – Rockwell Automation 57C620 AutoMax Programming Executive Version 3.8 User Manual

Page 178

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AutoMax Programming Executive Version 3.x


Utility Tasks

Tasks designated as utility tasks when added to the rack are usually

used for testing purposes and not for application control. Utility tasks

can only be loaded into AutoMax Processor modules. They cannot

be loaded onto UDC modules.
The object code file for such tasks can be loaded onto the rack just

like the object code for other tasks. Utility tasks must be loaded

To load a utility task, enter the name of the task at the filename

prompt. You will then be prompted for the slot number of the

Processor on which the task is to be loaded (0Ć4), and the task

priority (4Ć11). Note that this information was already entered when

the task was added. It is required here as well.


Saving Tasks from the Rack

You can save tasks from any AutoMax Processor or UDC module in

the network to the default path through the single connection at the

leftmost Processor. You must obtain task access for the tasks you

want to save from the rack.
Entering S" for Save at the Transfer menu brings up a list of tasks

that may be saved from the rack. This list contains all tasks in the

rack, whether they are running or stopped, including utility tasks.

Tasks can be saved either individually by entering the task name, or

all (all tasks listed on the screen) at one time by entering the name of

the rack configuration file and the /All option described in section

You have three other options when saving tasks from the rack:

/Tunable, /Include, and /Log. These options, as well as /All, are

described below in more detail.
Note that you can only save tasks from the rack if you elected to

make them reconstructible when you compiled the task originally.

Ladder Logic tasks are always reconstructible. Note carefully that

your path must be the path in which the configuration and

application task files for the rack to which you are connected are

stored. Otherwise, it is possible to write over files in the current path.

If your path is incorrect, any task you save back from the Processor

cannot be used until you add it to the rack using the Task Manager.


Save Option: /All

You can save all the reconstructible tasks in the rack, including utility

tasks, using the /All option. Enter the name of the configuration task

(_CONF.CNF) at the filename prompt and then /All at the option
