Upper case lock-unlock (ctrl u), Show commands (ctrl s) – Rockwell Automation 2706 DL20 SERIES G USER MANUAL User Manual
Page 44

Chapter 4
Creating and Editing Messages
Some people prefer all uppercase type for all messages. Others prefer all
uppercase type for just important messages. The optional keyboards
(Catalog No. 2706-NK1, -NK2) have a shift-lock key. If you are using
another type of terminal, type [Ctrl] [U], and this prompt is displayed:
After three seconds (or press any key) the prompt will go away. The edit
window is restored with the cursor where you left it last. Type any lower
case letter, and note that it is converted into uppercase, then inserted into the
message. Type [Ctrl] [U] again and this prompt is displayed:
Once again, after three seconds the prompt will disappear. The uppercase
lock/unlock setting is stored in memory and the setting will remain the same,
even between edit sessions or when power is disconnected.
The show command displays a brief description of all the available edit
commands. If you happen to forget a control code, type [Ctrl] [S] to list the
commands. Press [Esc] to stop the listing. Pressing any other key allows you
to step through the listing more rapidly. After pressing [Esc], editing
resumes where you left off.
Upper Case Lock-Unlock
(Ctrl U)
Show Commands (Ctrl S)