Set the snn in all safety nodes, Manual -3, Set the snn in all safety nodes -3 – Rockwell Automation 1753-DNSI DeviceNet Safety Scanner for GuardPLC Controllers User Manual

Page 39: Manual

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Publication 1753-UM002A-EN-P - July 2005

Manage the Safety Network Number 4-3


The manual option is intended for systems where the number of
DeviceNet subnets and interconnecting networks is small, and where
you might like to manage and assign SNNs in a logical manner
pertaining to their specific application.

To set the SNN in a safety device via RSNetWorx for DeviceNet, select
the device in the hardware graphic view and choose Set Safety
Network Number from the Device menu.

Set the SNN in All Safety

A time-based SNN is automatically generated when the first new safety
device is added to the network. Subsequent additions to the network
are assigned the same SNN as the lowest-addressed safety device. This
automatic, time-based SNN is sufficient and recommended for most


If you assign SNNs manually, take care to ensure that
system expansion does not result in duplication of
SNN and Node Address combinations.


When you set the SNN, the device is returned to its
factory default configuration.