Waters Envirogel GPC Cleanup Column User Manual
Care and use manual, Waters envirogel gpc cleanup column

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Waters Envirogel GPC Cleanup Column
The Waters GPC Cleanup System uses two Envirogel™ GPC Cleanup
Columns to perform routine cleanup of environmental samples
as specified by EPA Method 3640A, GPC Cleanup. The columns,
19 x 150 mm and 19 x 300 mm, are connected in series.
A 4.6 x 30 mm Guard Column is available for customers interested in
using a guard column in front of the column set.
The Envirogel columns:
• are packed with high-performance, fully-porous, highly
cross-linked, styrene divinylbenzene copolymer particles.
• contain 100 Å pore size material, with a nominal particle size
of 15 μm.
are shipped with methylene chloride as the mobile phase.
the same three columns packed in 50/50 ethyl acetate/
cyclohexane are also available.
I. Installing the Columns
a. Connecting the Column
b. Equilibrating the Columns
II. Calibrating the Columns
a. Preparing the Calibration Solution
b. Procedure
c. Injecting the Calibration Solution
d. Calculating Peak Resolution
e. Requirements
III. Column Care and Use Guidelines
IV. Column Storage
a. Short-term
b. Long-term
V. Care and Maintenance
VI. Ordering Information
VII. Warrenty/Service Information
Waters envirogel gPC CleanuP Column