MTS Series 793 Utility Software User Manual
Page 70

494.16 Analog Input icon
The Analog Input icon only appears if the 494.16 VD/DUC is
configured as a two-stage valve driver.
Name: Describes this resource as it will appear in Station Builder
resource lists when opened against an .hwi file.
Changing this name may invalidate existing station configurations.
Connector: Describes the front-panel I/O Carrier connector assigned
to this input.
Application Attribute: Not applicable.
Filter Type: Used to select the type of filter used to filter the digital
output of the DUC. Selections include: Disabled, Bessel, Butterworth,
and Elliptical. (Default=Bessel, 300 Hz.)
Filter: This is the frequency where the filter, selected in the Filter
Type box, attenuates the signal by 3 dB. A setting of zero disables
the filter.
High Speed Data:
True=enables high-speed data acquisition. The high-speed rate is
determined by the system rate and a number of other factors.
False (default) = high-speed data acquisition is not available.
The Model 494.40 I/O carrier limits the number of high-speed data
inputs on a carrier to a maximum of six.
Name: Describes this resource as it will appear in Station Builder
resource lists when opened against an .hwi file.
494.16 Analog Output icon
Changing this name may invalidate existing station configurations.
Application Attribute: Not applicable.
Connector: Describes the front-panel I/O Carrier connector that joins
the resource to the chassis.
Clamp Mode: Causes the servovalve to clamp as specified to help
prevent unwanted actuator movement when a hydraulic interlock or
various processor errors occur.
Disabled—Valve does not clamp. This is the default action if the
clamp entry is omitted.
Zero—Clamps the servovalve to zero—if valve balance is used,
it will clamp to this value.
Positive—Clamps the servovalve to positive 50% spool opening
on a 2-stage valve driver, 50% outer-loop command on the
3-stage valve driver.
Negative—Clamps the servovalve to negative 50% spool opening
on a 2-stage valve driver, 50% outer-loop command on a 3-stage
valve driver.
56 MTS Series 793 Utility Software
HWI Hardware Settings