MTS Series 793 Utility Software User Manual
Page 112

Selects the format in which the date stamp is displayed on the message
log. Select M/D/Y, D/M/Y, or D.M.Y.
Date Format
Appearance examples: M/D/Y, 4/24/2002; D/M/Y, 24/4/2002; D.M.Y.,
Selects the format in which the time stamp is displayed on the message
log. Select 12-hour or 24-hour.
Time Format
Appearance examples: 12-hour, 6:31:23 PM; 24-hour, 18:31:23.
Specifies the unit assignment set used by the Controller to display
measurements of all types. For instance, SISET - SI defines a set of
Unit Assignment Set
units that contains customary international (metric) units. It provides
force, and force-related units, in kN.
The following unit assignment sets are available:
CGSSET - Centimeters, Grams, Seconds: Defines a set of units that is
based upon centimeters, grams, and seconds.
ENGSET - U.S. Engineering Units: Defines a set of units that contains
customary U.S. engineering units. It provides force, and force-related
units, in kip.
ENGSETSM - U.S. Engineering Units (small)—Defines a set of units
that contains customary U.S. engineering units. It provides force, and
force-related units, in lbf.
SISET - SI (Systeme International d’Unites)—Defines a set of units that
contains customary international (metric) units. It provides force, and
force-related units, in kN.
SISETSM - SI (Systeme International d’Unites) - small—Defines a set
of units that contains customary international (metric) units. It provides
force, and force-related units, in N.
SYSDEF - System Units Definition—Contains a copy of the units that
are used in the hardware and software to represent test values of interest.
98 MTS Series 793 Utility Software
Controller Management Tool