Model 493.47 encoder card settings – MTS Series 793 Utility Software User Manual
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Excludes inputs to the selected channel.
No Channel
For special applications, the Model 493.79 Multiple Universal Driver
(MUD) board can provide up to six driver signals to drive standard
252 servovalves.
Channels tab 493.79
Multiple Universal Valve
Driver (MUD)
Inputs to the MUD board originate from a Model 493.46 D/A
mezzanine card on the Model 493.40 I/O Carrier boards.
When you select a MUD board, the Assign Channels dialog appears
with the following fields:
# of Channels: Specifies the number of analog output channels to
which the MUD board applies. By default, this number will include
the current and all descending channels.
Transition Slot #: Specifies the slot in which the MUD board is
installed in the chassis.
Channel #: Specifies the channel number that maps to the selected
analog output.
Name: Describes this resource as it will appear in Station Builder
resource lists when opened against an .hwi file.
Analog Output icon
Changing this name may invalidate existing station configurations.
Connector: Identifies the I/O Carrier rear panel connector that is
available for MUD board output. This will likely move up to the
daughter level.
Slot: Specifies which slot the circuit board occupies in the chassis.
493.79 MUD icon
Channel: Not applicable.
Interlock Enable: Indicates the status of cable loss detection:
false=disabled, true=enabled.
Range: Identifies the range of the valve driver’s output (in mA). The
settings are 0, 25, 50, or 75. The 0 setting requires an on-board
user-selectable resistor.
Model 493.47 Encoder Card Settings
The encoder definition describes the optional 493.47 Digital Encoder
mezzanine card. This board must be installed if you want to monitor
encoder or Temposonics sensor feedback.
493.47 Encoder mezzanine
card icon
Name: Describes this resource as it will appear in Station Builder
resource lists when opened against an .hwi file.
Analog Input icon
MTS Series 793 Utility Software 51
HWI Hardware Settings