MTS Series 793 Utility Software User Manual

Page 19

background image


Number callout in graphic - Item

Help: Selecting the Electronic Documentation option
displays the Hwi File Editor manual in the portable
document file (PDF) format. Selecting the About Hwi File
Editor displays a window identifying the Hwi File Editor’s
release version and build number.

Provides quick access to common commands and

2 - Toolbar

Shows icons of selected controller components in an
expandable hierarchical display.

3 - Tree view pane

The intended slot number for each board is shown in
brackets after the resource (type) name.

Displays icons of selected controller components in an
expandable hierarchical display.


You can right-click many of the tree-view icons to
perform/set features.

Contains tabbed pages of various controller components
and characteristics. You create an .hwi file by making
selections in these tabbed pages.

4 - Controller definition pane

Contains tabbed pages of various controller components
and characteristics. You create .hwi files by making
selections in these tabbed pages.


Some tabs contain fields that contain dimmed or
“grayed out” values. These values are read only,
and are provided only for reference.

Controller Type: The Hwi File Editor applies to several
types of MTS Series 793 Controllers. It is important to

Properties tab

select the controller type that pertains to your controller
before you make any further selections. The available
hardware is dependent on the Controller Type.

Board Slot n: Allows you to select the desired VME board
(the available boards vary with controller type) for the
selected slot.

Board tab

Chassis n: Allows you to select an Analog Chassis or
Hydraulic Control Panel for the selected chassis.

Chassis tab (FlexTest IIm only)

Transition Slot n: Allows you select a DIO, HPU, or HSM
transition board for the selected slot.

Transition tab (FlexTest GT, TestStar
IIm, Aero ST, FlexTest 60/100/200

MTS Series 793 Utility Software 5

HWI-File-Editor Overview