MTS Series 793 Utility Software User Manual

Page 108

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Specifies the controller’s name. By default, the name will be the
serial number of the Model 493.42 System I/O Board (for FlexTest

Controller Name

SE Controllers) or Model 493.43 System I/O Board (for Aero ST
Controllers) in the Controller chassis. You can change this name
as desired.

When operating in the automation mode, the controller name may
appear in the title bar of the Station Builder and Station Manager

In a multicontroller FlexTest SE network (in which each
controller operates independently) each unique instance of
Station Manager displays the name of its associated controller
in its title bar. The controller name appears on the title bar of
the Station Builder application in the same way.

Independent Aero ST controllers work as described above.

In an Aero ST controller network (which consists of master
and dependent controllers), Station Builder and Station
Manager applications display only the name of the master
controller in their title bars.


If you change the Controller Name you must re-register
the Controller. When changing the original Controller
name, use the Unregister Controller control.

Specifies the controller’s network identification number (0 - 15),
which determines the TCPIP address of the controller on the

Controller ID (FlexTest SE
Controllers only)

You can enter the Controller ID as desired. Each controller in the
network must have a unique address.


This number must be an integer in the range of 0 - 15.


If you change the Controller ID you must re-register the

Specifies the controller’s network identification number (0 - 15),
which determines the TCPIP address of the Controller on the

Controller ID (Aero ST
Controllers only)

94 MTS Series 793 Utility Software

Controller Management Tool