MTS Series 793 Utility Software User Manual
Page 42
SIM = Hybrid Simulation (option)
Processor Number: Not applicable
Interrupt Level: Not applicable
The hybrid simulation (SIM) function for internal models is an option
that requires a license key. Once the license key is installed, you must
add the SIM function to the appropriate processor core.
SIM Function icon
To configure a processor to run the Hybrid Simulation (SIM) option:
1. Right-click the processor Core icon and click Add Simulation
2. Click the SIM Function icon and define the number of input and
output ports.
Hybrid Simulation is set up by MTS personnel only. This is
described in an internal MTS document.
Some options, such as Hybrid Simulation (external model), require a
reflective memory module that is mounted on the processor card.
Reflective memory icon
To add reflective memory to a processor, right-click the DSP Function
icon and click Add Reflective Memory.
Hybrid Simulation is set up by MTS personnel only. This is
described in an internal MTS document.
Input and output ports are user-defined portions of memory associated
Input/Output Port icons
Reflective memory (external simulation model). When you add
reflective memory to the DSP core function, you will see a port
icon for each import and export port specified in the Reflective
Memory properties.
The memory on a processor board that is running the hybrid
simulation (SIM) function (internal simulation model). The
input/output port icons appear when you add the hybrid simulation
28 MTS Series 793 Utility Software
HWI Hardware Settings