Model 493.40 i/o carrier mezzanine cards, Model 493.1x valve driver settings – MTS Series 793 Utility Software User Manual

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Model 493.40 I/O Carrier Mezzanine Cards

The Model 493.40 board is compatible with FlexTest GT, Aero ST, and TestStar IIm controllers.

Model 493.1x Valve Driver Settings

The following settings apply to the Model 493.14 Two-Stage Valve Driver and the Model 493.15
Three-Stage Valve Driver.



Describes the valve driver mezzanine card.

493.14 2SVD mezzanine
card icon 493.15 3SVD
mezzanine card icon

Connector: the connector that joins the resource to the chassis. This
will likely move up to the daughter level.

Analog Output icon

Name: Describes this resource as it will appear in Station Builder
resource lists when opened against an .hwi file.

Changing this name may invalidate existing station configurations.

Analog Output icon


Unexpected actuator movement is possible when the
servovalve is clamped.

Unexpected actuator movement can cause injury and
equipment damage.Your controller’s hardware interface
file (.hwi) includes options to clamp the servovalve when
a hydraulic interlock occurs (these options cause the
actuator to stop, fully extend, or fully retract). However,
if the servovalve is imbalanced, it may move unexpectedly
when clamped.

Before enabling the valve clamp feature, ensure that the
servovalve is balanced.

Clamp Mode: Causes the servovalve to clamp as specified to prevent
unwanted actuator movement when a hydraulic interlock occurs.

Disabled—Valve does not clamp. This is the default action if the clamp
entry is omitted.

Hardware will short the servovalve drive signal if a software failure is

MTS Series 793 Utility Software 47

HWI Hardware Settings