Reagents – Leica Biosystems PELORIS_PELORIS II User Manual
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Safety Notices
Leica PELORIS™ User Manual Rev K © Leica Biosystems Melbourne Pty Ltd 2011
Locate the instrument so that either the mains wall outlet or the instrument’s appliance inlet socket is
accessible. You must be able to disconnect the mains power cable without moving the instrument.
Do not move the instrument unless the power cable is disconnected.
Chloroform vapors may cause severe injury, incapacitation, or death.
When using chloroform with the Peloris tissue processor, Leica Microsystems recommends that an external
fume extraction system be installed. Chloroform vapors may accumulate during normal operation or in the
unlikely event of a spill. The extraction system must keep these vapors below dangerous levels.
Never open a retort that contains chloroform or chloroform residue.
Do not heat reagents above their boiling points. Boiling reagents will release large quantities of fumes that
may overload the internal carbon filter or (if fitted) the external filtering system. Boiling reagents are also likely
to lead to excessive pressures within the instrument, increased reagent contamination and reagent spills.
Reagent boiling points are lower when in a retort operating with a vacuum or with pressure/vacuum cycling.
Handle and dispose of reagents and condensate in accordance with all relevant procedures and government
regulations that apply at the laboratory site.
Do not use fixatives containing picric acid as picric acid is explosive when dry.
Molten wax is hot and may cause burns. Use caution when handling wax and removing baskets.
Do not use acetone or other ketones. These damage the instrument’s valves.
Do not use reagents containing corrosive chemicals such as mercuric salts, picric acid, nitric acid and
hydrochloric acid.