EUCHNER AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor for 2 AS-i circuits User Manual
Page 155
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Appendix: Example for startup on a Siemens S7
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329
Issue date - 24.10.2008
Kohlhammerstraße 16 • D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 • Fax. +49/711/753316
Drag the selected communication module to the table line for slot 1.
If desired, you can now place additional modules for the command interface
and analog value transmission in the following slots:
Double-clicking on the desired slot line opens a dialog window in which you
can assign the PROFIBUS communication module to the address range of
the CPU.
See also other documents in the category EUCHNER Safety:
- N1A Single hole fixing limit switch (12 pages)
- NZ Safety switch (12 pages)
- NZ.VZ (15 pages)
- NZ.VZ-xxxVS (16 pages)
- TZxxxAS1 (16 pages)
- TZxxx (20 pages)
- NXxxx (12 pages)
- TXxxx (12 pages)
- SGAxxx (12 pages)
- STAxxx (15 pages)
- STA-TWxxx (Twin) (15 pages)
- NMxxAV/AL (8 pages)
- NMxxWO/RB (12 pages)
- NMxxKB (12 pages)
- NMxxHB (12 pages)
- NMxxAK/AG (8 pages)
- NMxxVZ (15 pages)
- NP (12 pages)
- GPxxx (12 pages)
- TPxxx (12 pages)
- SGPxxx (12 pages)
- SGP-TWxxx (Twin) (12 pages)
- STP-TWxxx (Twin) (15 pages)
- STPxxx (15 pages)
- STP-BIxxx (12 pages)
- STMxxx (12 pages)
- NQxxVZ (8 pages)
- TQxxx (12 pages)
- TKxxx (12 pages)
- ESH (8 pages)
- Hinge ESH Re-adjustable (8 pages)
- MGB-AR (14 pages)
- MGB-L1-xxxARx-xxx (38 pages)
- MGB-L0-xxxARx-xxx (36 pages)
- MGB-LxxB-PNx-xxx (PROFINET) with Data Structure Type B (44 pages)
- MGB-LxxB-PNA-xxx (PROFINET) with Data Structure Type A (36 pages)
- CES-A-ABA-01 (Unicode) (42 pages)
- CES-Axxx (5 pages)
- CES-A-AEA-02B (Unicode) (44 pages)
- CES-A-UBA-01 (Multicode) (40 pages)
- CES-A-UEA-02B (Multicode) (44 pages)
- CES-AZ-ABS-01B (Unicode) (40 pages)
- CES-AZ-UBS-01B (Multicode) (38 pages)
- CES-AZ-AES-xxx (Unicode) (54 pages)
- CES-AZ-UES-xxx (Multicode) (56 pages)