EUCHNER AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor for 2 AS-i circuits User Manual

Page 101

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AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor

Operation in advanced display mod

Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances

Id.-No.: 103329

Issue date - 24.10.2008



Kohlhammerstraße 16 • D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 • Fax. +49/711/753316

Bit 4: Config_Active

The flag is set in configuration mode and is reset in protected mode.

Bit 3: Auto_Addr_Avl

The flag is set if the automatic addressing is possible. This means that exactly
one slave has failed.

Bit 2: Auto_Addr_Asn

The flag is set if automatic addressing is possible (AUTO_ADDR_ENABLE =
1; no "incorrect" AS-i slave is connected to AS-i).

Bit 1: LDS.0

The flag is set,if an AS-i slave with address 0 has been detected.

Bit 0: Config_OK

The flag is set if the projected configuration is equal to the actual configura-

Byte 3

Bit 0: Data_Exch_Act

If the flag "Data Exchange Active" is set, the data exchange with AS-i slaves is
possible during the data exchange phase. If the bit is not set, the data
exchange with AS-i slaves is inhibited. Instead of data telegrams READ_ID
telegrams will be sent.
The bit is set by the AS-i master at the beginning of the offline phase.

Bit 1: Offline

This bit is set if the operating mode is supposed to be changing to offline or is
already offline.

Bit 2: Auto_Addr_Ena

This flag indicates if automatic addressing has been disabled (bit = 0) or ena-
bled (bit = 1) by the user.
(For further information please refer to "Read flag (GET_FLAGS)).