2 brief description, Brief description – EUCHNER AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor for 2 AS-i circuits User Manual

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AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor


Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances

Id.-No.: 103329

Issue date - 24.10.2008



Kohlhammerstraße 16 • D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 • Fax. +49/711/753316

All AS-i functions can be used cyclically as well as acyclically via PROFIBUS DP/

For the cyclical data transfer up to 32 bytes of I/O data can be transferred as bi-
nary data for one AS-i network. Additionally, analog signals and all available com-
mands of the new AS-i specification can be transferred via the command channel
through PROFIBUS.

On the serial PROFIBUS Master AS-i Control Tools can be used to monitor the
AS-i data online via PROFIBUS DP/V1.


Brief description

The actuator-sensor interface (AS-i) has established itself as a system for net-
working primarily binary sensors and actuators at the lowest level of the automa-
tion hierarchy. The high number of installed systems, the ease of use and the reli-
able operating behaviour also make the AS-i interesting in the area of machine

The safety AS-i system is intended for safety applications up to Category 4/
SIL 3. Mixed operation of standard components and safe components is possible.

The AS-i/Gateway with safety monitor monitors within an AS-i system the safe
slaves which have been assigned according to the configuration specified by the
user with the configuration software. In the event of a stop request or a defect, the
AS-i/Gateway with safety monitor switches off the system in protective operation
mode with a maximum reaction time of 40 ms.


1 master: The device is a single master

2 master: The device is a double master

OSSDs: number of release circuits

16: safety unit generates 16 independent switching signals

AS-i: number of AS-i circuits

2: safety unit functions with two equal AS-i circuits

Master, power supply:

1: The unit contains one AS-i Master.

The device monitor is in a second AS-i circuit

1N: The unit contains one AS-i Master. The unit also contains a

power supply coupler for the second AS-i circuit. The device
monitor is in a second AS-i circuit.

2: The unit contains two AS-i Masters.

2N: The unit contains two AS-i Masters and power supply couplers.

Diagnostic interface: type of the diagnostic port

Semiconductor outputs: number of semiconductor outputs

SaW outputs: number of SaW outputs

Safety relays: number of safety relays

Tab. 2-3.