Advanced diagnostics for as-i masters, 1 list of corrupted as-i slaves (lcs), List of corrupted as-i slaves (lcs) – EUCHNER AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor for 2 AS-i circuits User Manual
Page 116
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances
Id.-No.: 103329
Issue date - 24.10.2008
Kohlhammerstraße 16 • D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Tel. +49/711/75 97-0 • Fax. +49/711/753316
AS-i 3.0 PROFIBUS Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor
Advanced Diagnostics for AS-i Masters
Advanced Diagnostics for AS-i Masters
The advanced AS-i diagnostics is intended to localize occasionally occurring con-
figuration errors and to determine the quality of data transmission on AS-i without
using additional diagnostics tools.
AS-i Control Tools, a MS-Windows software designed to simplify AS-i installation
and used to program AS-i Control, enables operation of the advanced diagnostics
functions (LCS, error counters, and LOS).
List of corrupted AS-i Slaves (LCS)
The LCS contains the information from the Delta list. In addition to the list of con-
figured slaves (LPS), the list of detected slaves (LDS), and the list of activated
slaves (LAS), the AS-i master creates a fourth list, the list of corrupted slaves
(LCS) containing advanced diagnostics data used to diagnose the causes for in-
termittently occurring configuration errors on AS-i. This list contains entries for all
AS-i slaves that were responsible for at least one intermittent configuration error
since the list was last read or since the AS-i master was turned on. Furthermore,
intermittent AS-i power failures are listed in the LCS at the position of AS-i slave
with address 0.
Protocol analysis: Counters for corrupted data telegrams
The AS-i master with advanced diagnostics provides a counter for telegram repe-
titions for each AS-i slave. The counter counts up every time a corrupted data tel-
egram has been found, making it possible to determine the quality of the trans-
mission if only a few telegrams are corrupt and the AS-i slave never caused a
configuration error.
Displaying the protocol analysis is possible through the AS-i Control Tools soft-
ware by using the command "Master | AS-i Diagnostics".
Whenever the LCS is read it is deleted from memory.
The last intermittent configuration error can also be displayed on the AS-i master:
Pressing the "Set" button on the AS-i master initiates the display of the AS-i slave
responsible for the last intermittent configuration error. If a intermittent AS-i power fail-
ure occurred, the display shows 39 after pressing the "Set" button.
This function is only available if the device is in normal operating mode of the protected
mode (display empty) or in the off-line phase (Display: "40").
The counter values are read via the host interface and will be deleted after they were
The highest possible counter value is 254. 255 indicates a counter overflow.