Det-Tronics PIRECL Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector PointWatch Eclipse User Manual

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InPut VoLtaGE (all Models)—

24 Vdc nominal. Operating range is 18 to 32 Vdc.

Ripple cannot exceed 0.5 volts P-P.

PoWER ConSuMPtIon (all Models)—
Detector without relays

4.0 watts nominal @ 24 Vdc

7.5 watts peak @ 24 Vdc

10 watts peak @ 32 Vdc.

Detector with relays

5.5 watts nominal @ 24 Vdc

8.0 watts peak @ 24 Vdc

10.0 watts peak @ 32 Vdc.


Operating: –40°C to +75°C (–40°F to +167°F).


–55°C to +85°C (–67°F to +185°F).


0 to 99% relative humidity (Det-Tronics verified).

5 to 95% relative humidity (FM/CSA/DEMKO verified).

GaS DEtECtIon RanGE—

0 to 100% LFL standard. Other ranges are configurable

(down to 20% full scale).


Model PIRECL is provided with field-selectable settings

for linear measurement of methane, propane, ethylene,

and butane. Model PIRECL is performance certified for

detection of methane, propane, ethylene, and butane,

and is shipped from the factory calibrated and set for

the customer’s choice of one of these gases. Digital

communication (such as HART) is required to confirm the

current setting and change it if required. In addition to the

gases listed above, the Eclipse is capable of detecting

many other hydrocarbon gases and vapors, with settings

provided for gases such as ethane and propylene. For

detection of gases other than the four certified gases,

performance characteristics / transfer curves are

available. Please consult the factory for details.

DEtECtoR ConFIGuRatIon oPtIonS—

A significant number of PIRECL configuration parameters

are field programmable including gas type, measurement

range, alarm setpoints, tag number, special notations,

password protection, etc. Details are provided in the

HART Communication Appendix. Three PIRECL field

configuration programming methods are supported:

HART Communication

EQP System S3 Software

RS-485 MODBUS Communication

tHIRD PaRtY aDDRESSaBLE MoDuLE (optional)—

Input Voltage: 30 Vdc.

Input Current: 30 mA.

(non-Relay output Versions only)—

Power Supply Short Circuit Current (Isc): 5.4 amperes*

Short Circuit Current on Fused Line:

3.1 amperes*

Power Supply Max Voltage:

Um = 250V**

* For installations in accordance with Increased Safety

wiring practices.

** For intrinsically safe HART communication port.

WaRM-uP tIME (all Models)—

Device enters normal mode after two minutes upon cold

power-up. One hour warm-up time is recommended

for optimum performance. Signal output level during

warm-up is programmable.

CuRREnt outPut (Standard Models only)—

Linear 4-20 mA (current source/sink, isolated/non-

isolated) rated at 600 ohms maximum loop resistance @

24 Vdc operating voltage.

VISuaL StatuS InDICatoR (all Models)—

Tri-color LED:

Red =

Low alarm, high alarm, or calibration.

See Table 1 for Details.

Green =

Power on / OK

Yellow =

Fault or warm-up.

RELaY outPutS (optional)—

(Available on Ex d approved models only, not available

on Eagle Premier model).


Low and High

Form C Type (NO/NC).

De-Energized during Normal mode, Energized on Alarm.

Contact Rating: 5 amperes at 30 Vdc.

Programmable for Latching or Non-Latching Operation.

Setpoint Range (both): 5-60% LFL.

Note: Low alarm range for EQP model is 5-40% LFL.

Factory Default Settings:


20% LFL – Non-latching

High: 50% LFL – Non-latching

Alarm relay programming can be accomplished using



When the PIRECL Gas Detector is used in
conjunction with an appropriate certified Control
Unit and configured for a non-latching high alarm,
the control unit must

always latch and require a

deliberate manual action to clear a high gas alarm.
When used as a stand alone device, the high alarm
must always be programmed for latching operation.