Apple iMac G3 (Original) User Manual

Page 69

background image



Mac OS Help 22
Mac OS Info Center 22

High Sierra CD-ROM discs 32–33

I, J


blinking icon in menu bar 38
blinking question mark icon 8
CD-ROM icon doesn’t appear on desktop

30–31, 33

hard disk icon missing 10
icon with X in center 8
incorrect appearance of 38
missing from windows 10

initializing hard disk 49–50
installing system software 53–64
Install Mac OS 8.1 alias 54
ISO 9660 CD-ROM discs 32–33



See also USB devices

doesn’t work 9
resetting PRAM and 19
startup problems and 13
troubleshooting USB devices and 14, 35

Keyboard control panel 37
keyboard shortcuts

canceling current operation 24
forcing application to quit 13
forcing computer to restart 12
quitting application 13, 29
rebuilding desktop 27, 38
resetting PRAM 19
restarting computer 12


Launcher 29
locked files 28, 62


Mac OS Extended format 50
Mac OS Help 22
Mac OS Info Center 22

Mac OS partitions 30
Mac OS system software.

See system software


disk corruption message and 10, 15
incorrectly installed 20
increasing for system software 15–16
“Not enough memory” message 9, 23–24, 61
problems with 23–29
QuickDraw 3D and 42–43
RAM disk 15, 24
resetting PRAM 19
restarting computer to clear memory 12
virtual memory 15, 24, 36, 38

Memory control panel

increasing memory for system software 15
insufficient memory and 24
performance and 36, 37, 38

menu bar, blinking icon in 38

bomb message 33
disk corruption message 10, 15
during system software installation 61–62
messages about hard disk 62
messages while printing 35–36
“Not enough memory” message 9, 23–24
number codes in 25
“QuickDraw 3D could not be found” message

27–28, 42–43

“This is not a Macintosh disk: Do you want to

initialize it?” message 32

USB device messages 33–34

microphone 42
modem settings 19, 20
Monitors & Sound control panel 37, 41, 42

See also USB devices

doesn’t work 9
startup problems and 13
troubleshooting USB devices and 14, 34

Mouse control panel 37

N, O

network problems 14, 39–41
non-USB devices 14–15
“Not enough memory” message 9, 23–24