Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 72

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If you change a value in the category value column, the row moves into a different
category if the value exists elsewhere in the category value column; otherwise, a new
category is created for the new value.

You can optionally hide a category value column, but you may want to leave the
column visible in case you need to change values in it. Also, you may not want to edit
the name in the category row. When you change a category row’s name, all the values
in the category value column for the category are replaced with the new name,
overwriting other values in the cells.

Here are ways to create categories and subcategories:
To divide a table’s rows at a particular place, choose Insert Category from the reference


tab pop-up menu for the bottommost row in the category you want to create. For
example, to divide a 9-row table into two categories with the first 5 rows in the first
category, choose Insert Category from the pop-up menu for row 5.
To place a range of adjacent or nonadjacent rows into a category, select the rows and


then choose “Create Category from Selected Rows” from the reference tab’s pop-up
menu for one of the selected rows.
To categorize rows with the same value in a particular column, choose “Categorize by


This Column” from the reference tab pop-up menu for the column. When a value in the
column changes, its row is placed in a different category based on its new cell value.
You can also use the Reorganize window. Click in the table and then click Reorganize
in the toolbar or choose Show More Options from a reference tab’s pop-up menu to
open the Reorganize window. Click the Categories disclosure triangle to reveal the
categorizing controls. From the first pop-up menu, choose the name of the column
you want to use as a category value column.

Choose the name of the column
you want to use as a category
value column.


Chapter 3

Using Tables