Selecting a group of table cells – Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 56

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Click the cell.

When a cell is selected, use the Tab, Return, and arrow keys to move the selection to an
adjacent cell. Deselecting “Return key moves to next cell” below Table Options in the
Table inspector changes the effect of the Return and Tab keys. Deselect the checkbox
if you want the Return key to act like a carriage return within the cell, which is most
useful when you type paragraphs of text in a cell.

To select

If “Return key” option is

If “Return key” option isn’t

The next cell to the right

Press Tab.
If you press Tab when the last
cell in a column is selected, a
new column is added.
If you add or change data in the
last column, press Tab twice to
add a new column.

Press Tab.
If you press Tab in the last
column, the first cell in the next
row is selected.
If you press Tab in the last cell of
the table, a new row is added.

The previous cell

Press Shift-Tab.

Press Shift-Tab.
If you press Shift-Tab in the first
cell, the last cell is selected.

The next cell down

Press Down Arrow or Return.
If you’ve been using the Tab
key to navigate between cells,
pressing Return selects the next
cell down from the cell in which
you started tabbing.
If you press Return when the
last cell in a row is selected, a
new row is added.
If you add or change data in the
last cell, press Return twice to
add a new row.

Press Down Arrow.

The next cell up

Press Up Arrow or Shift-Return.

Press Up Arrow or Shift-Return.

Selecting a Group of Table Cells

You can select adjacent or nonadjacent cells.

Here are ways to select a group of cells:
To select adjacent table cells, select a single cell, and then hold down the Shift key as


you select adjacent cells.
You can also click a cell, press, and then drag through a range of cells.
To select nonadjacent table cells, hold down the Command key as you select cells.


Use Command-click to deselect a cell in the group.


Chapter 3

Using Tables