Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 125

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Chapter 6

Using Formulas in Tables


Left pane: Lists categories of functions. Select a category to view functions in that
category. Most categories represent families of related functions. The All category lists
all the functions in alphabetical order. The Recent category lists the ten functions most
recently inserted using the Function Browser.
Right pane: Lists individual functions. Select a function to view information about it
and to optionally add it to a formula.
Lower pane: Displays detailed information about the selected function.

To use the Function Browser to add a function:


In the Formula Editor or the formula bar, place the insertion point where you want the

function added.
Note: When your formula requires an operator before or after a function and you
haven’t added one, the + operator is inserted automatically. Select the + operator and
type a different operator if needed.


Open the Function Browser by doing one of the following:

Click in the formula bar and then click the Function Browser button.


Click the Function button in the toolbar and choose Show Function Browser from


the pop-up menu.
Choose Insert > Function > Show Function Browser.


Choose View > Show Function Browser.



Select a function category.


Choose a function by double-clicking it or by selecting it and clicking Insert Function.


In the Formula Editor or the formula bar, replace each argument placeholder in the

inserted function with a value.

Help for the “issue” argument
appears when the pointer is over
the placeholder.

Placeholders for optional
arguments are light gray.

Click to see a list of valid values.

To review a brief description of an argument’s value, hold the pointer over the argument
placeholder. You can also refer to information about the argument in the Function
Browser window.
To specify a value to replace an argument placeholder that has a disclosure triangle, click
the disclosure triangle and then choose a value from the pop-up menu. To review
information about a value in the pop-up menu, hold the pointer over the value. To
review help for the function, select Function Help.