Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 251

background image



defining rules 83
using 83

cropping 197
CSV format 238
currency format 93
custom cell formats

changing 112
date/time format 110
managing 113
number format 102
text format 111
using 101

custom date/time format 110
custom number formats

associating conditions with 108
creating 102
defining the decimals element 105
defining the integers element 104
defining the scale element 106

custom templates

creating 244
creating initial content 247
creating media placeholders 248
defining default chart attributes 245
defining default image attributes 246
defining default text boxes and shapes 246
defining reusable tables 245
defining table styles 245
predefining sheets 248
predefining tables and other objects 247
saving 249
setting up a document to use 249

custom text format 111


data series 136
data set 136
date and time format 95
document. See spreadsheets
document design. See custom templates
Document inspector 31, 38, 43
duration format 96


error bars 151
Excel format 238
exporting a spreadsheet

as a CSV file 238
as an Excel file 238
as a PDF file 237
in iWork ’08 format 33
to iWeb 242


file size

reducing the size of images 198
reducing the size of movies 212

filtering rows 69
finding and replacing

formula elements 132
text 192

Fonts window 25
footer rows 64
format bar 19
formatting tables

adding images or color to table cells 86
alternating row colors 66
formatting table cell borders 87
formatting table cell values 89
using table styles 53

formatting text 165, 172

adding accent marks 170
font smoothing 169

formula bar 123
Formula Editor 122
formula tools 20

adding a quick formula 120
adding to multiple cells 81
copying and moving 131
creating 121
deleting 126
elements of 118
finding and replacing elements of 132
handling errors and warnings 126
inserting cell references 128
performing instant calculations 119
referring to cells in 126
using arithmetic operators 130
using comparison operators 130
using the formula bar 123
using the Formula Editor 122
using the Function Browser 124
viewing all in a spreadsheet 132
See also functions
See also operators

fraction format 96
freezing header rows and header columns 64
Function Browser 124

See also functions


adding to formulas 124
See also formulas


Graphic inspector 50


header rows and columns

adding 62
freezing 64