Quickly aligning objects relative to one another – Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 215

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Chapter 9

Working with Shapes, Graphics, and Other Objects


To learn how to

Go to

Create your own alignment guides that
remain visible as you work

Creating Your Own Alignment Guides” on
page 217

Place objects precisely by using x and y

Positioning Objects by x and y Coordinates” on
page 217

Set objects to remain together when you
move, copy, or paste them

Grouping and Ungrouping Objects” on page 218

Join two objects with a line

Connecting Objects with an Adjustable Line” on
page 219

Lock objects in place so you don’t
inadvertently move them

Locking and Unlocking Objects” on page 219

Moving an Object Forward or Backward (Layering Objects)

When objects overlap or when text and objects overlap, you can change the order of
objects in the stack.

To move an object in front or in back of text or another object:


Select the object you want to move.


To move an object a layer at a time, choose Arrange > Bring Forward or Arrange >

Send Backward.


To move an object to the very top or bottom of the stack, choose Arrange > “Bring to

Front” or Arrange > “Send to Back.”

If you frequently layer objects, you can add the Front, Back, Forward, and Backward
buttons to the toolbar to work more efficiently. To learn about customizing the toolbar,
see “The Toolbar” on page 18.

Quickly Aligning Objects Relative to One Another

You can use menu commands to quickly move objects on the same sheet into
alignment or space them equally apart. First, you must select all the objects you want
to align (hold down the Shift or Command key as you click each object to select it).

To align selected objects:
To align the objects with each other, choose Arrange > Align Objects and then choose


one of the alignment options in the submenu.
Left: Positions objects so that their left edges align vertically to the first object
you select.
Center: Positions objects so that their centers align vertically to the first object
you select.
Right: Positions objects so that their right edges align vertically to the first object
you select.