Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 253

background image



page layout 44
page margins 46
page numbers

adding 45, 189
formatting 189
inserting 188
See also headers and footers

page orientation (portrait and landscape) 45
password protection

for a PDF of a spreadsheet 237
for a spreadsheet 31

PDF format 237
percentage format 94
picture frames 222
pie charts 154
polygon shape 208
pop-up menus. See cell controls
Print View 17

all sheets 236
arranging objects on a page 44
list of formulas 236
numbering pages 45
Print View 42
setting page margins 46
setting page orientation 45
setting page size 43
setting pagination order 45
the current sheet 236
using headers and footers 44


quick formulas 120
quote bubble shape 207


reference tabs 50
relative cell references 129
Reorganize window 68, 69, 72, 75
reusable tables. See tables
rounded rectangle shape 206

adding 59
alternating colors for banded effect 66
categorizing 69
deleting 61
filtering 69
hiding 66
rearranging 61
resizing 65
sorting 67
See also tables



a copy of a spreadsheet 36
an automatic backup version 35
as an Excel document 33
as an iWork ’08 document 33
as a template 38
Spotlight search terms 38
with media files 33

scatter charts 160
scientific format 98
searching for formulas. See finding and replacing

adding custom 202
adding predrawn 201
adding text in 186
editing 203
reshaping curves 204

sharing spreadsheets

by email 242
by exporting in CSV format 238
by exporting in Excel format 238
by exporting in PDF format 237
by printing 236
using iWeb 242

Sheet inspector 41, 43, 44, 45, 46

adding and deleting 40
naming 41
paginating 42
reorganizing 40
Sheets pane 39
showing and hiding 39
using to organize a spreadsheet 39

smart quotes 172
sorting rows 67

adding 209
adjusting playback settings 211
file types supported 208
reducing file size 212

spell checking 190, 191
spilling 82
splitting table cells 87
Spotlight 38

adding CSV data 30
creating by importing 29
creating from a template 28
finding and replacing formula elements 132
opening 30
organizing using sheets 39
paginating 42
password-protecting 31
saving 32
undoing changes 34
viewing all formulas in 132

star shape 207