Formatting the elements in a chart’s data series – Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 148

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To change the interval for label categories, do one or both of the following:

Type a value or use the stepper in the “Label every ... categories” field. For example,


a value of 2 displays every other category title; a value of 3 displays every third
category title, and so on.
Choose Show Last Category from the Choose Axis Options pop-up menu under


Category Axis if you want the title of the last category to appear.

To add or hide an axis title:


Choose Show Title from the Choose Axis Options pop-up menu under Value Axis or

Category Axis in the Axis pane of the Chart inspector.


On the chart, double-click the value title or category title that appears and type the

title you want.


To format the title’s text attributes, use the controls in the format bar.


To hide a title, deselect the option in the same pop-up menus.

To set a linear, logarithmic, or percentage scale for the value axis:
Select Linear Scale, Log Scale, or Percentage Scale from the Choose Axis Options pop-


up menu under Value Axis in the Axis pane of the Chart inspector.
Percentage scales are available only for 2D stacked bar, column, and area charts;
linear and logarithmic scales are available only for 2D charts that aren’t stacked. 3D
charts can only use a linear scale. (For pie charts, you display values as percentages by
choosing Percentage from the Format pop-up menu under Labels.)

To change the color and texture of series elements, or to format data point symbols
and value labels, use the Series pane of the Chart inspector. See “Formatting the
Elements in a Chart’s Data Series”
on page 148.

To learn about formatting options that are unique to a given chart type, see
“Formatting Specific Chart Types” on page 154.

Formatting the Elements in a Chart’s Data Series

You can use a variety of visual effects to enhance the appearance of data series
elements, such as bars (in column and bar charts), data point shapes (in line and
scatter charts), and area shapes.

Pie wedges also represent a data series, but these have special formatting
considerations. See “Customizing the Look of Pie Charts” on page 154 to learn more.

Many series formatting options are available in the format bar. When you select a
series element in a chart, the items in the format bar change to provide appropriate
options for formatting chart series elements. For example, you can click the Fill well in
the format bar and quickly select a color to apply to the selected series element.


Chapter 7

Creating Charts from Data