Adding and deleting sheets, Reorganizing sheets and their contents – Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 40

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To display the contents of a sheet, click the sheet in the Sheets pane.


When you’re working on a table or chart in a spreadsheet, the table or chart is
highlighted in the Sheets pane.

To learn how to

Go to

Create and remove sheets

“Adding and Deleting Sheets” on page 40

Move sheets around, reorder their tables and
charts, and move tables and charts among sheets

Reorganizing Sheets and Their Contents” on
page 40

Name a sheet

Changing Sheet Names” on page 41

Adding and Deleting Sheets

Here are ways to create and remove sheets:
To add a new sheet, click the Sheet button in the toolbar. You can also choose


Insert > Sheet.
A new sheet containing a predefined table is added at the bottom of the Sheets pane.
You can move the sheet by dragging it to a new location in the Sheets pane.
When you add a sheet, Numbers assigns it a default name, but you can change the
name, as “Changing Sheet Names” on page 41 describes.
To copy a sheet, do any of the following:


Option-drag the sheet you want to copy to the desired location in the Sheets pane.


Make a copy using Edit > Duplicate, which inserts the copy immediately after the


selected sheet.
In the Sheets pane, select a sheet to copy, choose Edit > Copy, select the sheet after


which you want the copy located, and choose Edit > Paste.

To delete a sheet and its contents, select it in the Sheets pane and press the


Delete key.

Reorganizing Sheets and Their Contents

In the Sheets pane, you can move sheets around and reorder their tables and charts.
You can also move tables and charts from one sheet to another.

Reordering tables and charts in the Sheets pane doesn’t affect their location on the
sheet canvas. In the Sheets pane, for example, you may want to place charts next to
the tables they’re derived from, or list tables in the order in which you want to work
on them. But on the sheet canvas, you may want to present these objects in a different
order (for example, when you lay out your spreadsheet for printing).

Here are ways to reorganize sheets in the Sheets pane:
To move a sheet, select it and drag it to a new location in the pane. Sheets shift as


you drag.


Chapter 2

Creating, Saving, and Organizing a Numbers Spreadsheet