Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 193

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Chapter 8

Working with Text


Whole words: Select to find only text that matches what’s in the Find field in
its entirety.
Replace: Type replacement text in this field.
Repeat search (loop): Select to continue looking for what’s in the Find field even after
the entire spreadsheet or sheet has been searched.
Next or Previous: Click to search for the next or previous instance of what’s in the Find
field. When an element is found, the Formula Editor opens and displays the formula
containing the instance of the element.
Replace All: Click to replace all instances of what’s in the Find field with what’s in the
Replace field.
Replace: Click to replace the current instance of what’s in the Find field with what’s in
the Replace field.
Replace & Find: Click to replace the current instance of what’s in the Find field and to
locate the next instance.
Use the other commands on the Edit > Find submenu for additional operations.


Find Next or Find Previous: Finds the next or previous occurrence of the current
Find text without replacing it, starting with the current sheet or selected cell(s) and
proceeding forward or backward through the spreadsheet.
Use selection for Find: Finds the next occurrence of the selected text.
Jump to Selection: Displays the selected text when it’s not currently in view.