Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 200

background image


Choose View > Show Adjust Image.

Adjust the contrast of light
and dark tones.

Change the color intensity.

Introduce more warmth

or coolness.

Change the amount of red
or green tones.

Sharpen or soften

the focus.

Adjust shadows and highlights.

Understand the relationship
between shadows and highlights.

Change the levels of dark
and light tones.

Restore original settings.

Adjust the lightness.

Enhance colors



Use the controls to make adjustments.

Brightness: Changes the amount of white in the image. Dragging to the right
increases the white in the image, making it appear brighter.
Contrast: Changes the difference between the light and dark areas of the image. If you
increase contrast, the light parts get lighter and the darks get darker. If you decrease
contrast, the difference between light and dark decreases. Dragging to the right makes
the edges between light and dark areas more stark and can make a photo appear
more like an illustration.
Saturation: Changes the richness of color in the image. Dragging to the right makes
the colors richer or more vibrant.
Temperature: Changes the warmth or coolness of the image by adjusting the amount
of warm tones (red) or cold tones (blue).
Tint: Changes the overall color cast of the image by adjusting the amount of red or
green tones.
Sharpness: Sharpens or softens (blurs) the focus of the image.
Exposure: Changes the overall lightness or darkness of the entire image. When you
adjust exposure, every part of the image gets lighter or darker. Increasing the exposure
of an image can also reduce its color.
Histogram and Levels: Describes the total color information in the image, from the
darkest shadow on the left, to the brightest highlight on the right. The heights of the
peaks tell you how much color information falls in a given range.


Chapter 9

Working with Shapes, Graphics, and Other Objects