Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 247

background image

Chapter 12

Designing Your Own Numbers Spreadsheet Templates


To set default image attributes:


Import an image, as “Working with Images” on page 194 describes.


Select the image, and then set its attributes.

To remove unwanted parts of an image, see “Masking (Cropping) Images” on page 196
and “Removing the Background or Unwanted Elements from an Image” on page 198.
To improve the image quality and create interesting effects, see “Changing an Image’s
Brightness, Contrast, and Other Settings”
on page 199.
To place and reformat the image, see “Manipulating, Arranging, and Changing the Look
of Objects
” on page 212.


Choose Format > Advanced > Define Default Image Style.


Delete the image from the sheet.

Creating Initial Spreadsheet Content for a Custom Template

You can use predefined content to model the look of a finished spreadsheet or to
provide instructions and other productivity aids for template users.

To learn how to

Go to

Add names, formulas, and other content

Predefining Tables and Other Objects for a
Custom Template”
on page 247

Define a media placeholder

Creating Media Placeholders for a Custom
on page 248

Organize content into sheets

Predefining Sheets for a Custom Template” on
page 248

Predefining Tables and Other Objects for a Custom Template

Add tables, charts, text boxes, images, shapes, and other initial content to your
templates to help users be more productive and to make the objects in the
spreadsheet visually appealing.

For example, you can:

Add names to tables and titles to charts and their axes


Add formulas and other predefined content to table cells


Set up cells so their values are displayed in particular ways (for example, using a


number format or checkboxes)
Create text boxes or comments that provide instructions and suggestions for using


the template
Use color to heighten the prominence of particular elements in tables and charts