Adding columns to a table – Apple Numbers '09 User Manual

Page 60

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If the table contains a footer row, rows added at the bottom of the table are added
above the footer row. If the table has filtering criteria associated with it, you can’t
add new rows until you stop filtering rows; see “Filtering Rows in a Table” on page 69
for instructions.

If all the body cells in a column above the new row contain the same formula or cell
control, the formula or cell control is repeated in the new row.

Here are ways to add rows:
To add a row above a selected cell, press Option-Up Arrow.


To add a row below a selected cell, press Option-Down Arrow.
You can add a single row above or below a particular row by holding the pointer over


a row’s reference tab to see its menu arrow, clicking the arrow, and then choosing Add
Row Above or Add Row Below from the pop-up menu.
You can also click in a row and then choose Table > Add Row Above or Table > Add
Row Below.
To add multiple rows, select the number of rows you want to add (select three rows if


you want to add three rows). To add rows after a particular row, make sure the bottom
row selected is the one after which you want the new rows added; to add rows before
a particular row, make sure the top row selected is the one before which you want the
new rows added. Then choose Table > Add Rows Above or Table > Add Rows Below.
To add a row at the end of the table, press Return while the last cell is selected.


Press Return twice if you’ve just added or changed the cell value and you’re still
editing the cell.
If “Return key moves to next cell” below Table Options in the Table inspector isn’t
selected, press Tab instead from the last cell in the row.
To add one or more rows at the end of the table, you can use the Row handle in the


lower left, visible when a cell is selected.
To add a row at the end of the table, click the Row handle once.
To add multiple rows at the end of the table, drag the Row handle or the Column and
Row handle (in the lower right) down.
To add rows and columns at the same time, drag the Column and Row handle diagonally.
You can split cells into two equal rows.


Splitting Table Cells” on page 87 describes how.

Adding Columns to a Table

Here are ways to add columns:
To add a column after a selected cell, press Option-Right Arrow.


To add a column before a selected cell, press Option-Left Arrow.


Chapter 3

Using Tables