Apple Numbers '09 User Manual
Page 146

To show or hide an axis or chart borders, set the scale (linear or log) and span of
the value axis, or adjust grid and tick marks along the axes, make selections, and enter
appropriate values in the Axis pane of the Chart inspector.
Many of these formatting options are also available using the format bar. Just as with
the Chart inspector, the options available on the format bar are always appropriate to
the type of chart you have selected.
To place gridlines and tick marks along the chart axes:
Select the grid lines and tick marks you want from one or both of the Choose Axis
Options pop-up menus in the Axis pane of the Chart inspector.
To format the values along the value axis, do any of the following in the Axis pane
of the Chart inspector:
To set the highest number displayed on the value axis, type a number in the Max field
under Value Axis. This value can’t be lower than the maximum value of your entire data
set. If you don’t specify a number, the field displays the word “Auto,” and the value is
automatically calculated based on the data.
To set the value at the origin point of the value axis, type a number in the Min field
under Value Axis. This value can’t be greater than the minimum value of your entire
data set. If you don’t specify a number, the field displays the word “Auto,” and the value
is automatically calculated based on the data.
To specify the number of axis markings between zero and the minimum and maximum
values on the value axis, specify a number in the Steps field under Value Axis.
To display the data values on the value axis, choose Show Value Labels and/or Show
Minimum Value from the Choose Axis Options pop-up menu under Value Axis.
To format values differently from the way they’re formatted in the related table, choose
an option from the Format pop-up menu under Value Axis.
Chapter 7
Creating Charts from Data