3 • u, Ection, Sing – Baja Marine Outlaw 23 User Manual

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3 • u






23 Outlaw



Speed changes you.


3. Close engne compartment.

4. Check fuel level. Be sure

you have enough fuel for

your trp. Remember the

“1/3 Rule”: Use no more

than 1/3 of your fuel for

outbound trp; use 1/3 of

the fuel for return trp; keep

1/3 for reserve n case of

emergency (FIg 3.4.1).

5. Run blge blowers for at least 4 mnutes before

attemptng to start engne (FIg 3.4.2).

Unlke your automoble engne

whch s naturally ventlated

even when t s not movng, your

boat engne compartment (the

bilge) does not have sufficient

natural ventlaton when the

boat s not movng or movng

slowly. That s why the engne compartment must

have forced ventlaton, usng the blge blower, to

remove potentally explosve gasolne vapors before

the engne s started and when the boat s movng


Because it may be difficult to remember to turn on

the blge blower every tme you slow down the boat,

t s recommended that the blge blower run all the

tme the engne s runnng.

6. Place drve unt n full DOWn/In poston.

7. Put shft control lever nto neutral; then for a:

COlD EngInE - Move throttle lever forward

to full open throttle, then return to about 1/4

throttle. In cold weather, t may be necessary

to pump lever several tmes before engne wll


• The operator may have to make rapd changes

n speed and/or drecton to avod a problem,

wth lttle or no tme for alertng passengers. It

s crtcal that all passengers be seated n the

desgnated seatng areas and holdng on at all

tmes to prevent fallng overboard or gettng

knocked about n the boat when the boat s


7. s





The engne operaton and mantenance manual

furnshed wth your boat descrbes pre-start and

startng procedures. We urge you to thoroughly read

and understand your engne manual.

lsted below are basc pre-start and startng

remnders. These are not a substtute for the engne

manufacturer’s specific recommendations.

Open the engne compartment and check for the

smell of gasolne.

• IF yOU sMEll gasOlInE, get everyone off

the boat, do not operate any electrcal swtches

or lght any matches, lghters, etc. get traned

help to find and fix the problem, before starting

the engne or operatng any swtches on the


• If you DO nOT smell gasolne:

1. Check all fluid levels and any other necessary

checks as specified in Section 8 and in the

engne manual.

Gasoline vapors can explode

Before starting the engines, open engine compartment

and check for gasoline smell.

If you smell gasoline, do not start engine; get

everyone off the boat and get trained help to find and

fix the problem.

If there is no gasoline smell, perform checks

specified by manual, then and only then, close engine

compartment and run blower for at least 4 minutes

before starting.



2. Check that water level n blge s mnmal. Verfy

that the blge pump s operatng by turnng the

blge pump swtch to ManUal and lstenng for

the pump runnng and check to see that blge

water s beng pumped overboard.



. 3.4.1)



. 3.4.2)